The long-running Basic Sea Skills program offered by local non-profit Kids and the Sea (KATS) BVI has taken another step forward by introducing an advanced curriculum for returning students. Former KATS Assistant Director Brian Liverpool recently weighed in on this significant expansion of the initiative.
Liverpool, who was heavily involved in developing and running the Basic Sea Skills program over the years, stressed the importance of creating more opportunities for participants to further their marine education.

The new advanced program allows returning students to build upon the fundamentals by delving deeper into topics.
He urged the BVI community to continue supporting the KATS mission, which has impacted thousands of children since its inception. Partnerships, donations, and volunteer involvement remain critical for the programs’ success.

The advanced program is being rolled out this summer, with KATS promoting it alongside the still-running Basic Sea Skills course.
Registration is currently open for both programs.
A free, mandatory, swim test for the program will be held on Saturday, June 15th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Cane Garden Bay in front of Rymers.