The Office of Gender Affairs hosted a health fair for residents on Virgin Gorda to raise awareness among men on various health issues that can impede their health and wellbeing.
The event was held to conclude Men’s Health Week 2024 observed in the Virgin Islands from June 10 to 22 under the theme, “Men’s Health is our Wealth’.
Residents were granted free access to screening for diabetes, HIV as well as a free general health checkup along with information on mental health- such as depression and anxiety.

Gender Affairs Coordinator Miss Patricia Hackett said hosting the health fair on Virgin Gorda was crucial to create an awareness on prevalent health issues affecting men on the sister island.
Miss Hackett said, “In our pursuit for a healthier and stronger community, this event provided an invaluable opportunity for residents to have access to certain health services, and related health materials and information.”
She added, “It was gratifying to see men in the community, especially young men, came out and supported the event. The participants were eager to learn about sexual health, HIV/AIDS, mental health and have general health check-up to ensure that they are healthy and well.”
Miss Hackett stated that many of the participants were happy to take the HIV/STI test and have promised to continue to check their status on a regular basis and also check for other potential health issues.
The Gender Affairs Coordinator said, “One participant expressed the view that knowing one’s health status is important, noting that he felt encouraged that the Health Fair happened on Virgin Gorda and advocated for more young men on the sister islands to do regular health checkups.”
Six organisations held booths at the health fair and provided services including BVI Diabetes Association, Red Cross-VG, MHSD- Public Health, Five Doctors Medical and Wellness Centre. The Office of Gender Affairs booth displayed information on alcohol use, health and violence and its effects on men’s mental health and information on facts and myths about prostate health.