Thirty-three public officers living and working on Anegada have completed Public Service 101, marking the completion of the course on each of the Territory’s four main islands.

Public Service 101, a three-day course, is a key offering from the Virgin Islands Public Service Learning Institute and attendance is mandatory for public officers. The officers, which included staff from various departments as well as educators, received detailed information about Government’s systems, framework, best practices as a public officer, and a wide array of knowledge that would assist them in achieving success.

Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Sharleen DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE commended the success of Public Service 101 and noted the significance of sittings of the course being completed on all major islands.

Mrs. DaBreo-Lettome said, “Public Service 101 represents a critical starting point for learning and development in the Public Service. It allows public officers to be more informed about the systems and procedures within the organisation, which will aid them as they seek to progress in their professional lives. This milestone marks a critical step for the future of learning and development in the Public Service.”                                                                   

During the course, the public officers heard from presenters across different subjects which included, ‘The Public Service and You’, ‘Office Procedures in the Public Service’, ‘The National Sustainable Development Plan’, a detailed presentation from the Department of Human Resources and many more.

Director of the Virgin Islands Public Service Learning Institute, Dr. Connie E. George said, “Hundreds of public officers across our four major islands have now experienced Public Service 101. This course presents a thrilling three-day learning experience that causes the attendees to not only consider the organisation of the Public Service, but it allows for each officer to take a full look at themselves and truly consider their vision for their time in the Public Service.”

VIPSLI has now hosted six Public Service 101 sessions, including one tailored to educators.