Premier Dr. the Hon. Natalio Wheatley defended a recent official visit to the United Kingdom emphasizing the importance of relationship-building despite calls for more tangible outcomes.

The premier stressed the significance of establishing a working relationship with the new Labour administration in the UK. 

He went on to highlight the need to sensitise new parliamentarians on issues related to the Virgin Islands and its citizens, expressing concerns about the potential negative impact of misinformation on their views of the territory and its government.

Wheatley maintained that these diplomatic engagements should not be undervalued. He emphasised the government’s fundamental responsibility to keep relevant UK officials informed about the British Virgin Islands’ progress in various areas.

When pressed on specific deliverables resulting from the meetings, Wheatley expressed uncertainty about what critics were seeking in terms of tangible returns. Nevertheless, he characterised the diplomatic mission as successful.

Deputy Premier Hon. Lorna Smith supported Wheatley’s assessment, stating that the delegation accomplished its objectives during the trip.

The Wheatley-led Government has been heavily criticised for its frequent overseas travel funded by the public purse, with critics emphasising that more often than not they return with little but speeches, and memories of their engagements. Members of the public continue to clamour for more transparency on the value for money that the Territory is getting from the government’s travels.