A new online petition entitled “Urgent Request for Enhanced Healthcare Services on Virgin Gorda” has gained rapid traction, with nearly 250 signatures gathered in less than 24 hours.

Initiated by Virgin Gorda resident Sharon Brutus, the petition addresses the urgent healthcare challenges faced by the island’s residents and calls for immediate government action.

The petition outlines severe deficiencies in Virgin Gorda’s healthcare system, which has long been a concern for locals. It highlights the incident on August 30, 2024, as a stark example of the island’s inadequate medical facilities, which have compromised the well-being of both residents and visitors.

In its description, the petition lists several critical issues faced by the community, including clinics operating with reduced hours or being closed for extended periods, an ongoing shortage of qualified medical staff, and a lack of essential equipment and specialized services. These challenges often force residents to travel to other islands for medical care, resulting in unnecessary inconvenience and expense, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and those with chronic conditions.

The petition emphasizes that healthcare is a fundamental human right, citing Article 25 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including… medical care and necessary social services.”

The key demands in the petition include:

  1. Extending clinic operating hours to provide 24/7 access to emergency and urgent care services.
  2. Adequately staffing healthcare facilities with well-trained medical professionals and ensuring consistent availability of doctors and nurses.
  3. Ensuring that medical equipment is fully functional, and clinics are stocked with necessary supplies and modern technology.
  4. Expanding specialized medical services to reduce the need for off-island travel.
  5. Developing a long-term plan to improve healthcare infrastructure, including completing the Spanish Town Clinic by 2025 and improving the North Sound Clinic by December 2024.

One of the more ambitious requests is the exploration of an ambulance boat, equipped with life-saving equipment and staffed by trained personnel, to enhance emergency response times in the island’s remote areas. Additionally, the petition calls for the availability of a fully functional dialysis machine at the Nurse Iris O’Neal Medical Clinic, which would greatly benefit residents who currently need to travel for such care.

The petition argues that improvements in Virgin Gorda’s healthcare system are not only essential for the health of residents but are also crucial for maintaining the island’s status as a premier tourist destination.

With growing support, Sharon Brutus and the undersigned hope that the Government of the Virgin Islands, the Health Services Authority, and His Excellency the Governor will take immediate steps to address these critical issues and prioritize the enhancement of healthcare services on Virgin Gorda.

The community is now awaiting a response from the authorities, hoping for swift action to resolve the healthcare crisis that has long affected their island.