The Government of the Virgin Islands, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), is launching a new initiative aimed at reducing the incidence of foodborne diseases in the Caribbean region.

As part of this effort, the government is offering the internationally recognized ServSafe Food Protection Managers Course to key stakeholders in the food industry.

Deputy Chief Environmental Health Officer Henrietta Alexander explained that the training is designed to equip food business owners and senior management with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure food safety within their operations. In addition to safeguarding public health, the training aims to enhance operational efficiency, reduce liability, cut down on food waste, and ensure compliance with legal standards.

The ServSafe Food Protection Manager training will run from October 2 to October 4, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. It targets professionals who meet the following criteria: Food business owners, managers, and supervisors; Human resource personnel in food businesses: Financial officers of food businesses; Senior management able to make decisions; and Government agencies and departments related to tourism, agriculture, and health.

Ms. Alexander emphasized that space is limited and urged interested participants to submit their requests promptly. “We are looking for individuals who work in the food industry, especially those who have attended previous food handlers’ sessions. This is an opportunity for them to gain certification that will last for five years,” she added.

Those interested in participating are asked to email their details, including name, place of employment, phone number, highest education level, and position, to and cc

The ServSafe certification program is a widely recognized food safety course based in the United States. It covers both the technical and managerial aspects of food safety and is accepted in several countries, including the Virgin Islands. The training will focus on preventing foodborne illnesses and ensuring the safety of food products across various sectors of the food industry.