Andraes Norford went before Magistrate for the execution of Julio Pineda Caesar who died from Brain damage and brain compression in 2017.
Detectives of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force Major Crime Team officially charged Andraes Norford for murder yesterday morning and he went before the court later in the afternoon.

The court heard that Norford and two other assailants stormed into Caesar’s residence and after a brief struggle, Norford fired a shot to the Caesar’s head. His accomplice shot Caesar a second time before the trio fled the scene in a green Suzuki jeep. Caesar was subsequently transported to the Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital, where he died from brain damage and brain compression.
Luckily, the public came forward with convicting evidence that supported the Royal Virgin Island Police force attempt to crack down on the criminals. Norford who was tired before the court yesterday was not made to plead due to the fact that his charge is indictable. He was remanded to prison and is due to reappear before the court on March 26th when the case is called.

Commissioner of Police, Michael Matthews in his official remarks said: “We continue to pursue investigations into historic homicides in the Territory. This particular matter happened in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Irma making the investigation more challenging and complex. The investigation has now concluded with the charging of Mr. Norford. My thoughts remain with the family and friends of Mr. Caesar.”