Director of the Central Statistics Office (CSO), Mr. Raymond Phillips is issuing a call for qualified persons to work as Census Enumerators for the 2020 Population and Housing Census.
Enumerators will be directly involved in the field work of 2020 Virgin Islands Population and Housing Census, and will be responsible for collecting data directly from respondents. The post of Census Officer is a temporary appointment. Officers will be employed for a period of up to seven months from June to December 2020, at which time the duration of the field work is expected to be completed. All applicants must have at least a High School Diploma (or its equivalent) and at least two years working experience.
Census officers are expected to attend enumerators training workshops, swear/ affirm Oath of Confidentially and receive enumeration material and equipment. They are also expected to locate sample household members/ respondents, conduct interviews with respondents, record responses as instructed and other duties outlined in the job description.

The above job description and requirements were outlined by the Director of the Central Statistics Office.
Interested applicants can access and complete an application form located on the Government’s website, or at the Central Statistics Office located at the East Atrium of the third floor of the Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Building. Applications can be returned via email at or delivered to the office. The deadline for submission of applications is March 31st 2020.
The Virgin Islands 2020 Population and Housing Census is scheduled to commence in June 2020. The census will be conducted in close collaboration with the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Information produced from this exercise will provide baseline information for Government’s policy makers to make informed decisions regarding improvements to the Territory’s social, demographic and economic conditions.