In wake of COVID-19 two inmates will be housed at a local Hotel Paradise Hotel in Road Town for 14 days. This is a direct attempt to protect inmates from possible exposure to COVID-19.
On April 9th, 2020 Governor of the Virgin Islands in a declaration received by our newsroom stated that space has now been sought and secured to house inmates outside of her majesty’s prison, for a period of 14 days in the fight to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The declaration reads:
“Whereas, it is provided by section 4A of the Prison Ordinance (Cap. 166) that the Governor may, by Proclamation published in the Gazette, declare any place to be a prison;
Now therefore, by virtue and in the exercise of the powers vested in me, I, Augustus J. U Jaspert, Governor of the Virgin Islands do herby proclaim and declare rooms 110-116 at the property known as “Paradise Hotel” in Road Town, Tortola to be a prison;
And all her Majesty’s Officers and all other of Her Majesty’s loving subjects are hereby required to take note hereof and govern themselves accordingly.
Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Virgin Islands this 9th day of April 2020 and in this sixty-ninth year of Her Majesty’s reign.”
More to come on this story.