The Government of the Virgin Islands is inviting proposals for procurement and installation of (HVAC) air-conditioning systems at the Multipurpose Sports Complex.

Procurement Coordinator, Mrs. Ishma Rhymer said the terms of reference will be in a phased approach.

 Mrs. Rymer said, “This will address the air conditioning systems in the Multipurpose Sports Complex including considerations for an immediate plan of action to cool the building with the existing duct system, and a long-term plan of action to fully address the cooling requirements for the facility. This may include demolition and replacement of portions or the entire existing AC system.”

Eligible local bidders are required to have updated Certificates of Good Standing from the Director of the Social Security Board, National Health Insurance, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue as well as other documentation listed in the Tender Document.  The date of issue on the certificates must be current, and should be no earlier than one month prior to the date of submission. 

Bidding documents will be available from Monday, May 18 and would be sent to bidders electronically upon request to with the subject title “Request for Quotation (HVAC) – Air Conditioning System for Multipurpose Sports Complex”

Interested tenderers should submit one (1) original and three (3) copies, plus  one (1) soft copy (flash drive) in sealed envelopes marked, “Original” and the additional copies placed in another sealed envelope marked “Copies”.  Both envelopes should then be placed in an outer envelope marked ““Request for Quotation (HVAC) – Air Conditioning System for Multipurpose Sports Complex” and must be received no later than 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 16 and addressed to:

The Chairman, Central Tenders Board

Ministry of Finance

Procurement Unit

Qwomar Trading Building No. 2, 2nd Floor

Road Town, TORTOLA,   VG 1110

British Virgin Islands

Bidders are invited to attend a virtual Pre-Tender meeting on Thursday, June 4 at 10:00 a.m. due to the COVID-19 pandemic preventative measures and social distancing guidelines established by the Health Emergency Operations Centre. All prospective tenderers will be notified of the access code and password prior to the meeting to gain access via “Webex”. 

Tenders will be opened at the Procurement Unit, Ministry of Finance, Qwomar Trading Bldg #2, 2nd Floor at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 16.  Tenderers are invited to also witness this process via “Webex”. Tenderers will be provided with the access code and password prior to the opening.  All prospective tenderers are invited to join.

For more information contact the Procurement Coordinator at (284) 468-4243/5921 or email