Virgin Islander Mr. Kelvin E. Hodge of West End Tortola BVI is the new Chairman of the BVI Ports Authority. His appointment comes just after Mr. Nathaniel Issacs Sr. resigned from the post of Chairman on May 4th. Issacs Sr was appointed in May 2019.

Mr. Hodge a well know businessman and civil servant, has served the Government of the Virgin Islands for some 37 years in various capacities. He was recently appointed in March 2019 to serve on the Public Service Commission. In an invited comment, Mr. Kelvin Hodge said he did receive notice that he was selected to serve as chairman of the BVI Port Authority, which he has accepted. However, he has not received an official correspondence confirming same as yet.

Over the past few years the BVI Ports authority has continued to see a number of leadership shifts throughout the organization.

In March 2020, Interim Managing Director, Mr John M. Samuel also resigned, after completing a 3-month temporary appointment since January 2020.

In October of 2019, Oleanvine Maynard was appointed to be the new Acting Deputy Managing Director at the BVI Ports Authority, replacing Akeem R. Pickering.

Recently the Virgin Islands has seen a number of local appointments namely; the appointment of Former Principal Crown Counsel in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mrs. Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit became the first local appointed to the post of Director of Public Prosecutions on May 5th, 2020, after acting in the role since December 14, 2019.

Additional, another appointment of local Virgin Islands attorney, Ms Dawn J. Smith who has been chosen to serve as Attorney General, replacing Mr Baba F. Aziz.

Finally, former Deputy Governor and Speaker of the House, Mrs. Inez V. Archibald was selected by the Governor of the Virgin Islands Augustus J. U. Jaspert, to serve as Chairman of the Public Service Commission.

Mrs Archibald will replace Mrs Magdaline Rhymer as of June 1st.