In an effort to include all education stakeholders across the territory of the Virgin Islands on the proposed redevelopment of the Elmore Stoutt High school campus, the Government of the Virgin Islands through the Ministry of Education is hosting a virtual meeting today January 19th, 2022 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m to update all stakeholders on the redevelopment of the campus.
A Government information services release stated that the meeting is being held with “priority on the immediate plans for the relocation of the senior school from the CTL building to the main campus.”
The Government of the Virgin Islands through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture has been working closely with the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency since June 2021 to provide what is being called a “time sensitive solution for this requirement.”
Recently, a contract was awarded to Trojan Design and Development Limited valued at $99,480; for the design consultancy of the project.
Additionally, Sandwise Limited was awarded the contract for the Demolition and Debris Clearance valued at $136,079.50, which was praised for being completed ahead of schedule by Premier and Minister of Finance Hon. Andrew A Fahie.
A deadline for contractors to pre-qualify for the re-development of the Elmore Stoutt High School Campus has been set for Monday, January 24th at 4:00 p.m.
When applying contractors have been asked to consider the “key elements of the scope of works” to include the Construction of a Technical School Block, the Construction of Classrooms Block (North), the Construction of Classrooms Block (South) and the Construction of an Administrative Block.
The Government says it is hoped that the Invitations to tender for these works will be issued before the end of this month.
Both the RDA and the Ministry of Education have deemed this project an “essential project” and is striving for a timely execution.