HireBVI will host Adopt a Classroom initiative on October 5. The Adopt a Classroom Initiative, under the theme “The Future is Now” invites students that would love the chance for their classroom to win school and stationery supplies to complete a form at www.hirebvi.com/adoptaclassroom. Upon completion, the classroom will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win.  The deadline to submit the Classroom Wishlist is September 23. Classroom announcement will be announced on October 5.

Through this initiative HireBVI hopes that other companies will collaborate with us by also adopting a classroom. Once the students submit their Classroom Wishlist, a company will be able to pick a classroom at random and execute the Classroom Wishlist.

Rekeema Turnbull, Managing Director stated that “Last month at our Issa Back2School Wet Fete, we were quite vocal that HireBVI cares, education matters and the future is now. We are back at it again, making a meaningful impact and contribution; this time for the teachers. What better time than now with World Teacher’s Day swiftly approaching. Just imagine with me, if each company picked a classroom – what a world of difference this could make for our Virgin Islands.

If you are a student, please be sure to complete the registration form at www.hirebvi.com/adoptaclassroom.

If your company wishes to collaborate with HireBVI, please reach out to us by calling us at 284-442-4473 or emailing us at info@hirebvi.com and let us know your interest.

#AdoptAClassroom this World #TeachersDay

For more information about this Adopt A Classroom initiative, call 284-442-HIRE/4473, email info@hirebvi.com or visit www.hirebvi.com