More than 60,000 passengers have accessed the City of Road Town with the Park and Ride Shuttle Service launched one year ago.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Kye Rymer said that the service which provides essential transportation around the city has been a “resounding success”.

Honourable Rymer said, “We have seen the electric-powered shuttles traversing the city to full capacity at times. The service has been well received by the public as it affords city patrons the opportunity to leave their vehicles parked while moving around the city to conduct business or run errands during the work day.”

The implementation of the City of Road Town Park and Ride aimed to achieve the following objectives:

  • Alleviate parking lot congestion;
  • Reduce traffic congestion;
  • Reduce the use of fossil fuels and the effects of harmful emissions into the environment, and thereby reduce the carbon footprint of the Territory;
  • Reduce parking on roadways which causes traffic obstructions;
  • Aid in pedestrianizing the city and Improve mobility within the city limits.

The City of Road Town Park and Ride Shuttle Service is available from the Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Complex East parking lot to any of the 22 stops in the city, Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  Meanwhile free parking will remain available at the Festival Grounds and the parking lot across from the Dr. D Orlando Smith Hospital.