On 26 March 2023 the Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church (CGBBC) will transition to new leadership.

Senior Pastor Elect Reverend Dr. Michael Andre Turnbull and First Lady Elect Minster Shondrea Nicole Turnbull will be installed at a historical service on 26 March 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

The transition from Senior Pastor Reverend Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull to Senior Pastor Elect has been taking place for seven years.

According to Senior Pastor, “It is an exciting time for CGBBC. The transition starts on 24 March and will culminate on 26 March. The T&T Weekend Celebration is dubbed TRANSFORMATIVE TRANSITION.

According to Senior Pastor Reverend Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull, who has led the church for 48 years along with his wife, First Lady Ministry Marion M. Turnbull, “The year 2023 is the year of ‘Abundance’ and ‘Transition’ for CGBBC, and we continue faithful ministry to God and humanity as we Gather, Grow, and Give.”

“The installation is historical for CGBBC because I was thrust into the role without transition or warning. Now, I can hand the baton to Dr. Mike in a special way that sets the trajectory for how things are done when he hands over the baton.”

To commemorate this memorable installation, we will be hosting a Block Party on the grounds of the church starting at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, 24 March 2023, as we celebrate this historic transition. The Block Party is a vision of Senior Pastor Elect “Dr. Mike” whose focus is to bring the community together and touch people’s lives where and wherever they are.

“Senior Pastor Elect and First Lady Elect want the transition to be meaningful, and they want it to change lives in the process. The transition is not an exercise; it must mean something. We are excited about our transition weekend. We invite and welcome all the people of the Virgin Islands to come out and celebrate God’s goodness with us.”

There will be live music, bounce house and other activities for children, food, and more. CGBBC is partnering with community businesses in this regard. The entire Virgin Islands community is invited to join in this celebratory occasion where the objective is to change lives.

Senior Pastor explained that Saturday, 25 March is a preparatory day for the church. Sunday morning service on 26 March begins at 9:30 a.m. Persons attending the Installation Service are to be seated by 3:45 p.m. for an on-time start.

As a backdrop to this occasion, the transition from Senior Pastor Reverend Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull to Senior Pastor Elect has been taking place for seven years before. On Sunday, 18 July 2022, Senior Pastor Reverend announced the transition of leadership of CGBBC to the congregation in the sanctuary and those worshipping online. Following Senior Pastor’s announcement, the Board of Directors of CGBBC unanimously approved the transition in their meeting on 19 October 2022. Then on 29 October 2022, the ordained Ministers of CGBBC unanimously approved the Board’s decision for the transition, which will start in 2023 following his installation. However, the transition became official after Members of the Church unanimously agreed and accepted the transition proposal in their meeting on 2 November 2022.