Minister for Natural Resources and Labour, District 2 Incumbent Hon Melvin M Turnbull faced the tough questions in a recent interview on 284 Media’s Just for the Record Programme.

Among those, he was made to answer why issues in the Labour Department, which he strongly advocated during his time in the opposition, have endured his period as Minister for Labour. 

In responding, Turnbull acknowledged the remaining issues, but also informed of significant strides made during his short time with the Ministry.

Turnbull says moving forward he is eyeing what can be done to make the processes in the department more effective and streamlined.

He also hopes to better realise the Ministry’s role in development of the labour force.

The full 284 Media Just for the Record interview featuring Hon. Melvin Turnbull will be released for viewing at 9pm April 5 on 284Media.com.