The Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) party, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), the National Democratic Party (NDP) and Progressives United (PU) are all in active discussions on the best way to move the BVI forward following last night’s decision at the polls which has resulted in the need for a coalition government to be formed.

This was confirmed in a statement published by the PVIM which won a total of three seats, including Chairman Ronnie Skelton who won At-Large, Stacey Mather At-Large, and Melvin ‘Mitch’ in the Second District.

The decision by the party is critical, as the incumbent VIP won a total of six seats, while the NDP won three and the Progressive United party won one.

For a new government to be formed, a requirement of seven persons is needed, irrespective of the political party.

In a statement this morning, PVIM revealed that they met with the political parties to aid with their next move.

“We have met with all elected persons and groups, namely Progressive United, the National Democratic Party, and the Virgin Islands Party, to decide the next step as we seek to form a Government in the best interest of the aspirations of the people of the Virgin Islands,” the statement said.

It added, “We left our offices and groups at 4:00 a.m. this morning, 25 April working on your behalf. By 8:00 a.m., we will reconvene for a meeting with the different groups to decide where we go, as where we go have to be vested in the interest of the people and what you elected us to do in the best interest of the Virgin Islands. Therefore, we will be coming to you, the public, to present this full picture.”

Principles will not be compromised

The PVIM also promised its voters that the principles of its party will not be tarnished in whatever decision is made.

“Your votes indicate that you want the best and the brightest of what the Virgin Islands have to offer… Rest assured that we will not compromise our principles and values of integrity, transparency, and accountability, amongst others, because we know that these things matter to you most, as they do to us,” the PVIM further stated.