Talk show host Claude Skelton Cline is casting blame on District Three Elect Hon. Julian Fraser for his role in the failure of a coalition government being formed in the territory.

According to Cline who was speaking on his Honestly Speaking Radio programme on Tuesday, he called out the former Opposition Leader, stating that he completely overplayed his hand during the discussions between the National Democratic Party (NDP), the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) and his Progressives United (PU) party.

With 7 elected officials needed to form a new government in the territory, during the times of the discussions, the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) had 6, the NDP 3, PVIM 3 and PU 1.

This ultimately meant that someone from the other political parties would have had to join the VIP to make the quota needed, which later occurred, or the other three parties would have had to merge to form a coalition government.

Cline said the latter three political parties had one simple job of coming together to bring change in the territory, but failed at achieving this goal.

The former VIP supporter said egos should have been put aside for the betterment of the territory.

He further claimed that Fraser’s deal was to be premier of the Virgin Islands or nothing at all.

Cline said that Fraser’s quest for power resulted in him maintaining it only for a short period of 6 hours, instead of 4 years had he compromised on his stance to have the alliance between the three parties to form a coalition government.