How can kitchen scraps and bush cuttings help grow sweeter fruit, better vegetables and save the planet? All adults and teens interested in the answer to this and many other questions about Home Composting are invited to attend free workshops being held on Tortola on Saturday June 3rd.
These Workshops are interactive “Trash to Treasure” experiences where participants learn how to turn everyday materials into rich, life-giving soil.
In collaboration with the Department of Waste Management and visiting experts from Cornell Institute, Green VI presented these Composting Workshops for students and parents at three of its school gardens this week and now offers to share these important life skills sessions with the community at large.
The free-of-charge Workshops will be held at the EcoPark in Paraquita Bay on Saturday, June 3rd, at 9:30 am and again at 1:30 pm. Refreshments will be provided and participants are asked to bring their own reusable drink container to support Recycling awareness.
Green VI, its partners and presenters look forward to getting together with
community members at the Workshops to move Food Security and Recycling forward for a greener, cleaner and healthier BVI – and grow bigger pumpkins!
To sign up for either the 9:30 or 1:30 Workshop, or to get more information, contact.
Green VI’s Garden Project Director, Natasha Harrigan, at 545-1860 or email