Premier and Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sustainable Development Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley will be hosting United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Didier Trebucq and several UN Heads of Agencies this week.

The Premier will meet with the UN officials from June 14 to 15 to advance the implementation of the Country Implementation Plan (CIP).  The CIP details various areas of technical assistance to be rendered by the UN in partnership with the Government of the Virgin Islands.

The bilateral discussions will focus on ensuring that the Virgin Islands achieves its Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to other high priority areas of the Government of the Virgin Islands.

Premier Wheatley said, “I look forward to welcoming the high-level UN delegation to have bilateral talks to further the Virgin Islands’ National Sustainable Development Plan. Among other things, we will discuss the most effective methods to implement the plan, and the progress of existing United Nations programmes in the Territory.”

The Premier also expressed his gratitude to the UN for their unwavering support as an essential development partner, which has offered critical support in the Government’s pursuit of a more sustainable and resilient future as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS).

The Country Implementation Plan details a specialised institutional system tailored to the Virgin Islands that directly addresses national concerns and regional priorities. The plan will also be operationalised as a programming tool that will strategically confront developmental challenges in the Territory.

In addition to the UN Resident Coordinator Office, the UN agencies that will be involved in this mission will include the International Labour Organisation (ILO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).