On Saturday June 17th CCT and CTL Home Centre partnered to give 4 lucky dads a chance to bring their wildest shopping dreams to life at no cost to their own pockets.

The annual “Daddy’s Day Dash” has become a staple on the Father’s Day calendar offering dads who are CCT Customers, old or new, an equal chance to have their minute of glory racing though the aisles of the CTL Home Centre in Tortola.

With an audience of supporting staff from CCT, CTL and 284 Media the dads each had 60 seconds to race through the entire CTL Home Centre on a path of their choosing to grab as many items as they could fit in their cart.

Each hoping to achieve the highest tally after their carts were brought to the cashiers.

Take a look at the moments of the final tally.

After the race, Dashan Hodge emerged victorious. He billed out at $1526.87. This not only secured him all of the items in his cart but also an additional first place prize of 6 months’ free service from CCT.

In second place, not too far behind, was James Scheiner who despite only grabbing 2 items during his race had billed out at $1428.68. He also walked away with 3 months’ free service from CCT.

The other two participating dads also walked away with all of the items in their carts.

Chief Operations Officer of CTL Home Centre Mr David Thomas had this to say on the event and the strong ties between CTL and CCT.