One student of the 2023 graduating class of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre Secondary Division walked away with a $5000 scholarship towards his tertiary education by way of a new scholarship award launched by the O’Neal Alexander Consulting Group that day.

The scholarship was presented to Mr. Jim James Joseph-Perez. The recipient was chosen based on his ambition, discipline, and courtesy. 

The scholarship was awarded in honour of Shea’s mother, Caryl O’Neal Alexander, a past principal of the institution who has made significant contributions to the educational community.

The award’s recipient was announced during a keynote speech by the firm’s lead Mr Shea Alexander.

He emphasized the group’s dedication to investing in the education of young individuals who possess the potential to lead society towards new horizons. OAC Group will provide ongoing support to Mr. Joseph-Perez throughout his pursuit of an Associate’s degree, reinforcing their commitment to his journey of excellence.

As a former student of the educational institution, Shea Alexander connected deeply with the graduating class. He emphasized the importance of investing resources into one’s own joy and success, rather than being burdened by the opinions of others.