The completion of the Anegada Hybrid Renewable Energy and Battery Energy Storage System (Bess) Project continues to be impacted by delays.

Minister for Health and Social Development Hon. Vincent Wheatley gave the update at a recent sitting of the House of Assembly.

He said the project which is valued at more than $4.6 million, continues to be lagging behind.

The ground breaking ceremony for the project was held on December 29, 2022, with a completion date of November 2023.

This month marks three years since the BVI Electricity Corporation announced that renewable energy company Power52 was the winner of the contract, and approximately 32 months since the company signed the contract in November 2021.

Premier Dr. the Hon. Natalio Wheatley during the same sitting of the House said he had inquired about the matter with the respective stakeholders.

He said he was assured that the project would commence soon.

Premier Wheatley also said that he has commenced talks with electricity stakeholders about concepts that will allow the BVI to move more deeply into the alternative energy space.