At least 12 students from the H Lavity Stoutt Community College’s Marine Professional Training (MPT) programme stand to benefit from a monetary gift which was pledged by the family of the late Peter Haycraft to fund paid apprenticeships.

This was confirmed by HLSCC in a media release on Wednesday, which said the contribution by the family is a means to honour the legacy of Mr. Haycraft.

The college said the funds from the family will go towards students who are enrolled in the MPT programme, in the first instance.

“Each cohort consists of twelve (12) students who will complete ten (10) consecutive weeks of full-time and focused workshops across six (6) certification modules, and eight (8) consecutive weeks of apprenticeship. This donation was further enhanced by several small donations made by the apprenticeship hosts for MPT’s Cohort 5,” HLSCC stated.

In addition to the family’s contribution to the MPT programme, they also collaborated with Nanny Cay to donate three 40ft. containers that are presently located at the college’s south campus.

This donation is aimed at supporting continued instruction of Fire Prevention and Basic Fire Fighting, which is a module presently taught as part of the college’s Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) for Seafarers course.

Commenting on what the contribution means to the HLSCC was the President Dr. Richard Georges who expressed gratitude to the family.

“I am delighted that the Haycraft family has chosen to support our Marine and Maritime programmes in honour of Mr. Peter Haycraft. Mr. Haycraft has an enduring philanthropic legacy in the Territory, and these gifts to the College ensure that a generation of Virgin Islanders will benefit from that spirit of generosity,” Dr. Georges stated.

The family in a brief statement explained why they decided to fund the MPT programme.

“We are supporting this programme to ensure its continuity as we believe in its importance in the future of the British Virgin Islands,” the family stated.

Residents interested in learning more about the marine and maritime programmes at the college can contact the HLSCC Director of Marine and Maritime Studies, Ms. Susan Zaluski at and the HLSCC  Director of Institutional Advancement, Ms. Yvonne Crabbe at  respectively.