Patricia Hackett has been appointed to serve as the Gender Affairs Coordinator in the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

This was confirmed in a media statement from the aforementioned ministry which said that Hackett’s appointment commenced in May 2023 and will be valid for a period of one year.

This is her second time serving in the position, as she previously served as Gender Affairs Coordinator from 2007 to 2011.

Minister for Health and Natural Resources, Honourable Vincent Wheatley expressed that Hackett has a wealth of knowledge and experience for the role and she has the capabilities to revitalise the Office of Gender Affairs. 

“I am elated to welcome her back to continue moving gender affairs forward in the Virgin Islands. As we appoint a new Gender Affairs Coordinator let us embrace the opportunity to foster inclusivity, promote equality, and empower voices that have long been marginalized,” Wheatley stated.

According to the ministry, Hackett during her four years as Gender Affairs Coordinator worked to develop the first and only Gender Policy and Domestic Violence Protocol in the Virgin Islands, in partnership with the University of the West Indies.

“She now returns with the aim of further advancing this Protocol, as well as rebuilding and reconnecting alliances with both local and international stakeholders. Ms. Hackett will be responsible for the development of the Territory’s Gender Affairs policies and programmes and will oversee the unit’s day-to-day work and provide strategic guidance,” the release stated.

Hackett most recently served as the Gender Training Officer within the Office of the Prime Minister in Trinidad and Tobago.

“In this role, she oversaw the implementation of the training curriculum for gender development, as well as gender-related issues for the Trinidadian Public Service,” the release added.