The sentencing hearings for Oleanvine and Kadeem Maynard, who both pleaded guilty to being part of a cocaine-trafficking conspiracy with former Premier Andrew Fahie, have been postponed by Judge Kathleen Williams.

The hearings were originally scheduled for Monday, August 21.

Kadeem Maynard’s sentencing is pending a new date and Oleanvine Maynard’s hearing has been re-scheduled to January 18, 2024.

The reason for the delay was not disclosed.

Oleanvine Maynard, 61, former Managing Director of the BVI Port Authority, and her son Kadeem Maynard, 32, both admitted to one count of conspiracy to import cocaine at federal court in Miami in June.

As part of their plea agreements, Oleanvine and Kadeem Maynard promised to “cooperate fully” with the US authorities and provide “truthful information” about their co-conspirators. They also agreed to forfeit any assets or proceeds derived from their criminal activities.

They each face a “mandatory minimum” of 10 years in prison unless the judge determines they are “safety valve eligible”, which means they meet certain criteria that allow for a lower sentence.

Meanwhile, Fahie has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is awaiting trial.