Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade, Hon. Lorna Smith says she is optimistic about the many opportunities in education that can be explored between the British Virgin Islands and Guyana.

This after her recent trade mission trip to Guyana which she described as a success.

Guyana’s recent discovery of a large quantity of oil has positioned its economy to grow by 57.8 percent in 2023 and 25.2 percent in 2024.

This has resulted in a growing demand for investment into the country, which Smith believes will require expertise in many new sectors such as the financial services industry.

The minister believes such a gap can be filled through a joint collaboration between the BVI and Guyana where Guyanese nationals will be provided the opportunity to receive certification in financial services in the BVI.

Smith also spoke on some of the other areas in education that the BVI can assist Guyana in through the potential partnership.