On July 24 & 25, 2023 in keeping with its 2023-24 theme: Serving our Legacy, shaping our future, the Lions Club of Tortola and other community partners, participated in the Department of Social Development’s Senior Citizens Engagement Program by sponsoring two Fun Day trips to Anegada and Jost van Dyke for Seniors on Tortola. A total of 115 persons participated in the days’ activities which included fellowshipping for lunch, boat rides to and from and a tour of the respective islands, swimming and playing games.

On July 24, 2023, seniors from the eastern end of Tortola went to Anegada and on July 25, 2023, those from the western end visited Jost van Dyke. These were two exciting days filled with singing, laughter and togetherness as the groups enjoyed a well-deserved excursion. The Seniors were accompanied by their respective program coordinators and members of the Lions Club.

Lion President Daphodil Sampson, MJF said: “The Lions Club was happy to facilitate the events, as one of its missions for this Lionistic year is to help improve services to the elderly in the BVI Community. Our Seniors have laid an incredible foundation which the entire territory very much enjoys today. As such our goal for this Lionistic year, is to continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. We are very pleased with the impact of this initiative and plan to facilitate similar programs to help engage and enrich our seniors, in honor of their contributions.”

The two events were coordinated by Project Chairman, Lion Carvin Malone, PMJF who has been a champion for the elderly community, our ‘Golden Gems’, for many years and has actively sought activities and programs to benefit and engage our seniors.

We would like to thank our partners who assisted with fascilitating this wonderful initiative: Premier Hon. Dr. Natalio Wheatley, Hon. Vincent Wheatley, Lesmore Smith, Neville Smith, Senior’s Program Coordinators and Lion Carvin Malone PMJF, for their generosity and assistance in facilitating this wonderful initiative.

The Lions Club of Tortola has been serving the local community for more than fifty years. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month at the BVI Finance Conference Room, Cutlass Tower in Road Town. For more information or to get involved you can contact us via, Facebook address or any member of the club.