Monel Nickie Appointed Acting Sister Islands Coordinator

Mrs. Monel Nickie has been appointed as the Acting Sister Islands Coordinator, effective November 1, 2021.

Mrs. Nickie previously served as Virgin Gorda’s District Officer, where she gained valuable knowledge and experience in the administration of the Sister Islands.

As Sister Islands Coordinator, she will lead the Sister Islands Programme Unit, which includes District Officers and other staff, and will be responsible for facilitating and monitoring projects to improve the quality of Government services across the Sister Islands.

She will also be responsible for providing expert advice on programmes and projects, supervising District Officers and overseeing Government services on the Sister Islands to ensure all departmental objectives are met.

Deputy Governor, Mr. David Archer Jr. said Mrs. Nickie represents the very best of Public Service Excellence and he has total confidence that she will deliver great results for the residents of the Sister Islands and the Government of the Virgin Islands.

Mrs. Nickie said she is grateful for the opportunity to serve the Sister Islands in this role and she looks forward to the continued advancement of these Virgin Islands.