Against the backdrop of  outcry surrounding gun violence in the Virgin Islands, Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio Wheatley has revealed the intention of the National Security Council to introduce “Non-Traditional” crime-fighting methods to bolster the existing efforts of local law enforcement to tackle the issue. 

According to the Premier, these new methods will be introduced as part of a National Plan to address violence in the territory which is currently in the draft stages. 

In explaining what is meant by “Non-Traditional” crime-fighting methods, the Premier said that the intention is to take a strategic, mitigative approach, particularly at the youth level, to deter would-be criminals.

Mitigative crime fighting is an approach to law enforcement that focuses on addressing the root causes of crime and preventing it from occurring, rather than solely relying on reactive measures such as arrests and prosecutions. 

It has been lauded globally as an approach that can also improve the trust and legitimacy of law enforcement and is increasingly being recognized and encouraged as a powerful tool for reducing crime and violence.