During a recent session in the House of Assembly, Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley faced a series of inquiries from the Honourable Julian Fraser, the Representative for the Third District, regarding the government’s intentions concerning the removal of derelict vessels from the Sea Cows Bay waters.

Fraser’s initial question highlighted the long-standing issue of derelict yachts in Sea Cows Bay Harbour, dating back to their presence since Hurricane Irma in 2017. He also noted that this problem was a prominent topic during the 2023 election campaign. Fraser inquired about the Premier’s plans for their removal and the government’s strategy for executing this task.

In a follow-up question, he shared a previous correspondence dated July 2021 on the matter.

 Fraser challenged the Premier’s assertion that the cost of removal needed further determination, asserting that the 2021 correspondence already included a comprehensive plan and associated costs for the removals.

Fraser’s subsequent query pressed the Premier to explain how he intended to follow up on the requests outlined in the 2021 correspondence. 

Fraser remained dissatisfied with the Premier’s response, questioning why a new cost evaluation was necessary. The Premier clarified that developments had occurred since the 2021 document, leading to changes in the removal plan and costing due to some vessels having been removed in the interim.