Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade the Honourable Lorna Smith OBE recently detailed her short to medium-term plans to address the issue of unemployment, particularly in the case of young males and females in the Territory before the House of Assembly.

At the time, Smith was responding to a question posed by Representative for the Second District the Honourable Melvin M. Turnbull.

Turnbull challenged Smith to provide specific details about her plans to combat unemployment before the end of this year. He emphasized that this issue was widely discussed during the campaign trail earlier this year.

In forming her response Smith said that in order to address the needs of youth and women, their unique challenges and barriers must be considered as factors contributing to unemployment.

She reiterated her intention to resurrect the National Business Bureau, stressing that such an organisation would be extremely valuable to addressing unemployment and fostering a positive environment for entrepreneurial endeavours. 

Noting the necessity of investment and funding for entrepreneurs, Smith shared that she already had preliminary discussions with banks as it relates to enhancing their support for business start-ups.

Smith noted that already, since taking on her ministry, she has sought out new opportunities for the Government to support the training and education of the workforce.

However, she stressed that the government cannot shoulder the responsibility to equip young people for the workforce alone. 

This, she said, presents an important opportunity for public-private sector collaboration. 

One that she noted is already proving fruitful as one wealthy benefactor has already pledged $1 million towards supporting efforts towards business start-ups.

Additionally, she said that her Ministry remains committed to enhancing job-matching services and easing doing business in the Territory.