Premier Dr. The Honourable Natalio Wheatley, has described his first few months in office since his victory in the April 2023 Election as a daunting and humbling experience. During his recent appearance as a guest on the popular “Talking Points” talk show, Dr. Wheatley received congratulations from the program hosts for overcoming detractors who had labelled him an “accidental premier” in the months following the arrest of Former Premier Andrew Fahie.

Having successfully cleared that hurdle, Dr. Wheatley expressed his pride in carrying the mantle of the great leaders of the Virgin Islands who laid the foundation for his generation. He emphasized that as the premier, it is his intention and responsibility to have a similar impact on future generations.

Describing the BVI as a young democracy that has made significant progress and still holds great promise for the future, Wheatley acknowledged that recent transformative decades of progress in the territory have not been without challenges. As a member of the new generation of leaders, Dr. Wheatley hopes to address some of these outstanding challenges.

Wheatley conveyed his eagerness to build upon the foundation that has been laid and navigate the necessary processes to accomplish tasks for the people of the BVI.