On October 5th 2023, the Government and people of the Virgin Islands joined the global community in celebrating World Teachers’ Day, an annual event held to honour educators for their dedication and commitment to nurturing well-rounded citizens.

This year’s theme, “The Teachers We Need For The Education We Want: The Global Imperative To Reverse The Teacher Shortage,” aims to raise awareness of the global teacher shortage and advocate for policies that attract and retain more teachers.

Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley expressed his gratitude to the educators in the Virgin Islands education system, stating, “Each lesson you impart is a building block for a brighter future, every encouraging word a beacon of hope, and every challenge you help your student overcome is a testament to your resilience and dedication.”

He further thanked them for shaping the minds of tomorrow, acknowledging their passion, commitment, and the positive impact they make. “Your tireless efforts are the foundation of our schools’ successes,” he added.

Dr. Wheatley also shared his personal experiences as a student and educator. He credited his accomplishments to his teachers, including his mother, who was his first teacher. He also acknowledged the sacrifices and dedication required of teachers based on his experience as an educator in the education system.

The Premier assured that his Government would continue to address the concerns of educators as they work together to uplift the education sector in the Virgin Islands. He expressed appreciation for their countless sacrifices, late nights spent grading papers, and going the extra mile to ensure every student’s success.

“To the world, you may just be a teacher, but to your students, you are heroes,” he said. He wished that their passion for teaching would continue to light the way for countless students.