Various communities across the territory have been experiencing an increase in mosquitoes which have been causing havoc in homes, schools and places of work.

Following several reports of complaints from residents to our news desk, 284 Media reached out to the Chief Environmental Health Officer (CEHO), Mr. Lionel Michael, to learn about how his department has been tackling the issue.

Michael noted that many residents also lodged several complaints of the issue to his department and said they were actively assessing various areas throughout the BVI to effectively address the problem.

He said the increase of mosquitos across the territory during this period does not come as a surprise since it is a custom during the rainy period of the year.

Michael said the issue has been heightened in some communities as a result of negligent residents who practice poor environmental methods around their property.

These acts he said have resulted in several breeding areas for mosquitoes.

As it pertains to the measures that his department is taking, Michael said it includes the treating of several ponds and ghuts where water is found to have settled.

He also informed of plans to execute fogging in select areas in the BVI but said issues have been plaguing the fogging machines, with only one of the four large fogging machines which are designed for placement on trucks, currently operational.

While the department awaits the repairs of the larger machines, the CEHO said his team will be using handheld fogging machines to ease the presence of mosquitoes in schools and areas that are heavily impacted.

Michael also explained that the issues plaguing the fogging machines are not specific to the BVI as similar outcries have been noted in other Caribbean countries.

He also said the issues are not linked to poor maintenance of the machines, but rather to their design and unique parts which are difficult to source.

Despite the obstacles, Michael has assured residents that his department will be doing all within its capability to reduce the presence of mosquitoes in the BVI.