In a recent address to the House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands, the Honourable Sharie de Castro, Minister for Education, commemorated the 80th anniversary of secondary education in the territory.

The Honourable Minister began her address by acknowledging the milestone as one that “reflects the dedication and vision of stalwart educators and the unwavering commitment of our community.”

She highlighted the significant contributions of Dr. Norwell Harrigan and Mr. Olva Flax, who in 1938 laid the foundation for extending education beyond standard seven. Their vision became a reality in 1943 with the inauguration of the Senior School, offering a curriculum that encompassed a wide range of subjects.

The Minister also acknowledged the challenges faced in the early years of secondary education, stating, “Madam Speaker, the early years of secondary education in the Virgin Islands were fraught with challenges, and by 1947, the school’s existence was under threat.” She credited the dedication of community activists for the school’s survival and subsequent success.

In her address, the Honourable Minister emphasized the profound impact of secondary education on the development of the territory. “Secondary education has not only expanded opportunities for our youth but has also significantly contributed to the overall progress and growth of the Virgin Islands,” she said.

The Minister took the opportunity to pay homage to the late Alfred Christopher and the late Jennie N. Wheatley (MBE), two stalwart educators who recently transitioned. She highlighted their significant contributions to secondary education in the Virgin Islands and the indelible mark they left on the territory.

Honourable Sharie de Castro also honoured the contributions of all valiant secondary educators in the territory, stating, “Their impact on our education system and the future of the Virgin Islands is immeasurable.”