The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) has issued a strong rebuke of Governor John Rankin’s request for additional powers to implement reforms recommended by the Commission of Inquiry (COI). 

In a statement, OECS Heads of Government expressed “alarming concern” over the evolving situation in the BVI and “strongly condemned” any efforts to undermine the BVI’s elected government. While acknowledging more governance reform work remains, the leaders commended progress made by the local administration since April 2023 elections.

Granting the Governor power to bypass BVI’s leaders was labeled by the OECS as “undemocratic” and “colonial.” The organization warned it would jeopardize achieved reforms and self-determination rights of BVI citizens. 

Instead, the OECS urged the UK to continue collaborating with BVI’s government and provide technical assistance as needed. It offered its own support as well.

The statement endorsed a UN resolution affirming BVI’s right to self-governance. OECS leaders argued the Governor’s request violates democratic principles in UN declarations which the UK has signed.