The United Nations has expressed deep concern about the continuing possibility of United Kingdom direct rule over the British Virgin Islands in its resolution on the Question of the British Virgin Islands adopted at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York. Among other things, the text of the resolution stated, “Expressing concern that the administering Power (i.e., United Kingdom) put an Order in Council on hold to partially suspend the Constitution (of the British Virgin Islands) if the Government of the United Kingdom assesses that the implementation of the recommendations does not proceed satisfactorily,” according to the resolution.

It also states, “Calls for full respect of the Constitution and the mutual agreement with respect to the recommendations of the report of the Commission of Inquiry, and calls upon all parties involved to maintain dialogue and work in partnership in the interest of the people of the Territory;”

And finally, “Reiterates its call upon the administering Power (i.e., United Kingdom), the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system and regional organizations to provide all the necessary assistance to the Territory (i.e., British Virgin Islands), support the recovery and rebuilding efforts and enhance capabilities for emergency preparedness and risk reduction, in particular in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria that impacted the Territory in 2017;”

The UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/Res/78/89 on the Question of the British Virgin Islands on 7th December 2023.