The Cabinet of the Virgin Islands has decided to amend the Integrity in Public Life Act (No. 43 of 2021) in several ways to strengthen the Integrity Commission.

The amendments will expand the Commission’s powers per recommendations from an independent review by Mr. Denniston Fraser.

This includes making inquiries and declarations, examining public body practices to uncover corruption, and levying fines for non-compliance. 

The full list of powers is as follows: 

i. to make inquiries and carry out investigations as necessary in order to verify and determine the accuracy of any declaration or statement of registrable interest;

ii. to examine the practices and procedures of public bodies in order to facilitate the discovery of corrupt practices, except where there is a statutory duty on any person to perform that function; 

iii. to allow for the imposition of fines for non-compliance under the Integrity in Public Life Act;

iv. to allow the Chairperson of the Integrity Commission to be authorised to levy such fines.

Additionally, the Commission will be authorized to receive reports from the Registrar of Interests on members facing potential suspension or salary withholding.

The definition of “family” will also expand to include parents, siblings, common law spouses as defined in the Criminal Code, and adopted, step and other children.

“Expand the meaning of “spouse” in keeping with PART IV of the Criminal Code of the Virgin Islands, which will include persons of the opposite sex living together in the circumstances of husband and wife; and allow child to include adopted child, stepchild and child of the family as outlined under Part IV of the Criminal Code”, the post-meeting statement said. 

The Deputy Governor’s Office has been instructed to have the Attorney General’s Chambers draft the amendment bill to enact these measures.