Denet Callwood of Jost Van Dyke has been recognized as Sister Islander of the Quarter for his dedication and service to the JVD community. 

In an article highlighting Callwood in the Sister Islands Newsletter, he is described as a kind-hearted and extremely helpful individual who never hesitates to assist those in need on Jost Van Dyke.

Callwood joined the BVI Ports Authority in 2009 and is now the Senior Dock Master stationed on JVD. Known for his punctuality, he often walks miles from Little Harbour to Great Harbour early each morning and rarely misses a day of work.

In addition to his role with BVI Ports, Callwood serves as an Auxiliary Fire Officer for JVD. When the fire truck siren sounds in the morning, the community knows it is Callwood responding to the call. 

Before joining BVI Ports, Callwood worked for many years as a captain for New Horizon Ferry Services. Passengers felt safe with him commanding the vessel even in rough seas thanks to his expert seamanship.

Callwood has also worked in construction on JVD and was employed at Foxy’s Tamarind Bar for over 15 years. His community fondly refers to him as a “workaholic” because of his dedication across various roles on the island over the years. 

Recently, Callwood was presented with a certificate for outstanding performance by BVI Ports Authority.