Two school zones across the Virgin Island have received much needed solar powered signs. In an effort to increase safety, the Public Works Department recently installed solar radar school zone signs at the Willard Wheatley Primary and the Ivan Dawson Primary Schools.

Director of the Public Works Department (PWD), Mr. Jeremy Hodge said the safety of the Territory’s children is paramount and that the installation of the signs is a pilot project with more to be installed at other schools across the Territory.

Mr. Hodge said, “These signs read the speed of oncoming vehicles alerting motorists of how fast they are travelling.”

Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Kye M. Rymer at a recent sitting of the House of Assembly said the Government of the Virgin Islands was committed to adding another component to the greener, safer, more pedestrian-friendly efforts by way of solar-powered crosswalk signals.

“The solar-powered crosswalks are signage that flashes to get the attention of the on-coming traffic, therefore bringing awareness to drivers that a pedestrian is intending to cross the street.” Honourable Rymer said at the time.