Social commentator Cindy Rosan has refuted claims that she was arrested on Friday, May 24, following the Governor’s press conference, which has since been supported by the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

The incident occurred immediately after the conclusion of the Governor’s press conference, where Rosan was observed being led into the back of a police vehicle. The sighting led to widespread speculation that Rosan was arrested. However, Rosan took to Facebook Live shortly after the event to clarify the situation.

“You guys can spread the word that I’m good… I was not arrested, nothing like that happened. I am not going to make this out to be that people are coming after me or anything based on anything I have said or my live this morning. It’s nothing like that,” Rosan stated in her live broadcast.

284 Media reached out to Rosan for further clarification, and she reiterated that she had not been arrested. She expressed disappointment in the media for quickly publishing articles suggesting otherwise, emphasizing that she was not taken to a police station. Rosan indicated that she understood the reason behind the apprehension, describing it as related to a previously resolved matter.

“This was a nothing!” Rosan asserted.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force has since released a statement on the matter, noting that the circulating news that “Ms. Cindy Rosan has been arrested” is “incorrect”.

“The matter for which she was approached has since been cleared up by the RVIPF officers and Ms. Rosan. The RVIPF will offer no further comments on the incident,” the statement said.