The Rotary Club of Road Town (RCRT) announces the induction of Mr. Anthony Clarke as the President for the 2024/2025 Rotary Year. Mr. Clarke assumes this position following the successful tenure of Dr. Robert “Storm” Wright as the Immediate Past President.

Alongside Mr. Clarke, the Club’s incoming board members installed, represents a dedicated group of individuals committed to serving the community:

• President-Elect: Dr. June Samuel

• Immediate Past President: Dr. Robert “Storm” Wright

• Secretary: Lavina Liburd

• Treasurer: Kedreana Parsons

• Sergeant-at-Arms: Elvis “Juggy” Harrigan

• Directors: Ebony Andrews, Jamaal Hodge, Jevaughn Rymer, Jacqueline Daley-Aspinall, Kadian Farquharson, and Alyssa Shepherd-Hodge.

A Paul Harris Fellow is a distinguished award that recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and made significant contributions to their community. The RCRT chooses an individual in the community each year who is selfless in their vocation and exemplifies these qualities. It was, therefore, very fitting during this installation event to honour one of our community heroes, Mrs. Desiree Flanders-Harrigan, with the prestigious Community Paul Harris Fellow Award. Mrs. Flanders-Harrigan’s commitment to the young people of this territory through her “kindness, resilience and dedication are the cornerstone of youth development in our community,” as stated by incoming President Anthony Clarke.

Additionally, Mrs. Alyssa Shepherd-Hodge, Director of Public Image, was recognized as Rotarian of the Year for the 2023-2024 term at a subsequent meeting, celebrating her outstanding commitment and contributions to the club’s mission.

The Rotary Club of Road Town extends its congratulations to Mr. Anthony Clarke on assuming the presidency and expresses gratitude to Dr. Robert “Storm” Wright for his invaluable service as Immediate Past President.