In a very brief statement released on the evening of September 19th, 2024, the Ministry of Education in the Virgin Islands addressed grave allegations within its system.

The statement read, “The Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs, and Sports is aware of a serious allegation involving a teacher and a student. We understand the urgent need to address this matter and the Ministry is following the proper process, which includes the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, the Social Development Department and the Teaching Service Commission.”

While the name of the school or the nature of the allegations were not mentioned in the Ministry’s statement, our agency has been informed that the matter involves a male teacher and a male student of the Elmore Stoutt High School. The allegations are centered around a molestation incident that led to the teacher’s property being damaged.

The Ministry further stated, “In the interim, measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the school community. The Ministry is committed to handling the matter in a way that is fair to all parties and in accordance with law.”

Our newsroom is also aware that the administration of the Elmore Stoutt High School recently held an emergency staff meeting to inform their staff of the matter.

Since the news broke, there has been significant distress and outcry among community members on the matter. The teacher in question remains at the educational institution.  

More to come as this story develops.