The Government of the Virgin Islands is taking a significant step toward modernizing its immigration management processes with the introduction of the Online Embarkation/Disembarkation (ED) Card System, set to launch next month.

This transformative digital initiative, a collaboration between the Department of Immigration and His Majesty’s Customs, is designed to streamline entry procedures and improve the overall travel experience for both residents and visitors.

The new system is scheduled to go live on October 1, and by January 1, 2025, it will become a mandatory requirement for all travellers entering the Virgin Islands. This shift marks the end of the traditional paper-based forms, replacing them with an efficient, user-friendly online platform.

Premier and Minister responsible for Immigration and Customs, Dr. the Hon. Natalio Wheatley, emphasized that the Online ED Card represents a crucial advancement in the management of traveller information.

“The introduction of the ED Card system will reinforce the Virgin Islands’ reputation as a premier travel destination,” Premier Wheatley stated. “For both locals and tourists, this new system promises a secure, more seamless, and user-friendly experience,” he added.

The move to a digital platform aligns with the government’s broader goals of incorporating innovative technology into immigration and customs services, expediting processing times, and improving operational efficiency. Travellers will be able to complete their embarkation and disembarkation forms online before arriving, significantly reducing wait times at ports of entry.

“This streamlined process not only improves the efficiency of border crossings but also enhances the overall visitor experience, making the Virgin Islands an even more attractive destination,” Premier Wheatley added.

Acting Chief Immigration Officer Mrs. Nadia Demming-Hodge shared her enthusiasm about the system’s introduction, noting that it will revolutionize travel facilitation by simplifying processes for travellers.

“The Department of Immigration is committed to harnessing technology to enhance our services and improve the overall experience for our clients, while being able to manage risk and data effectively. This is just the beginning of our digital transformation, and we are excited to roll out more cutting-edge initiatives in the future,” Mrs. Demming-Hodge said.

Acting Comptroller of Customs Mr. Greg Romney echoed these sentiments, highlighting that the Online ED Card System is a clear indicator of the border management team’s dedication to leveraging technology to address risks posed by the increasing number of travellers to the territory.

He added, “It also shows both departments’ commitment to working more collaboratively, especially in areas where processes are duplicated, to further streamline and maximize efficiency.”