Premier and Minister of Finance Dr. the Hon. Natalio Wheatley said he was surprised after learning during the Standing Finance Committee proceedings in 2024 that the investigation into the approximately $20 million underestimation of public officers’ salary increases had not yet begun.
His remarks came in response to a question posed by Sixth District Representative Hon. Myron Walwyn during a recent House of Assembly sitting. Premier Wheatley clarified that he had initially believed the investigation was already underway, referencing a memo issued by His Excellency Governor Daniel Pruce last October, which indicated that the process had commenced.
However, it was during the Standing Finance Committee proceedings that the Premier discovered otherwise. Following discussions with Governor Pruce, he confirmed that the matter is now officially under investigation by the Auditor General.
Walwyn then questioned Premier Wheatley on why he had not updated the public when he realized the investigation had not commenced. In response, Dr. Wheatley stated that his primary concern was ensuring that the investigation was initiated as soon as possible.
The investigation will seek to determine how the substantial miscalculation occurred and identify any potential accountability issues within the government’s financial planning.