Rotary Club Sunrise of Road Town makes donation to Lemonade bvi

The Rotary Club Sunrise of Road Town has joined forces seeking to lend support to children and adults living with special needs in the Virgin Islands. President of Rotary Club Sunrise Faye Smith-Penn assisted by Youth Services Director Sonya Penn made a donation of $1,000.00 on Friday March 21st, 2025 at th Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park to local organization Lemonade BVI to assist in their efforts in bring awareness to Down Syndrome and Autism.

Students, parents and well wishes gathered at the Park with students following their march in support of down syndrome awareness.

Persons with disabilities do not easily make the academic, mental and physical progress deemed possible for their daily routines, as well as self- confidence, coping with anxiety and their ability to express themselves in a vulnerable state.

President Faye Penn in a statement indicated that “This is just the beginning as with the right support persons with special needs would be able to achieve their potential and goals in life to be able to do their part in contributing to the betterment of our Territory”.

Youth Services Director Sonya Penn stated that she understood the need as she has seen firsthand in her career, the need for stronger ties with such organizations in order to help decrease the pressure families endure in dealing with their loved ones. She added that with community support we can impact real change in our society by fostering inclusivity.

Rotary’s key areas of focus include Disease Prevention and Treatment, Maternal & Child Health, Basic Education & Literacy, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution, Community Economic Development and the Environment.

Rotary Club Sunrise intends to continue supporting the development of special needs in the Virgin Islands and is committed to fostering longstanding community partnerships in the Virgin Islands.