The following is commentary by Shaina Smith-Archer.

Today I concluded that somewhere over the years we stopped engineering roads and settled for roadways that are cousins to obstacle courses. Potholes are the least of the problem which are a problem because the roads don’t have a concrete base. We are paving dirt. 🤨

Between the manholes higher or sunken in the road, collapsed speed bumps, ditches dug by utility companies that are not restored, poor or no drainage that causes flooding, and no markings, guardrails or lighting for safety we are taking a risk getting on the “road” every day. I have already spent $1,000 this year to repair my jeep’s suspension and I know I am not alone. 😟

It is budget season again and a road improvement project over the next 3 years needs to be planned to get the paved “horse tracks” up to standard. Utility companies need to be required to fix the manholes as a start. Please and thank you!

And the second important action is maintenance. Adequate funds need to be budgeted every year to ensure drains are cleaned (some are too small in the first place and are easily blocked by mud so that is a design issue) and not overgrown with bush. Potholes should be repaired and not built up to a bump. Let’s stop doing the same thing and expecting different results.

P.S. Curious to know the end date on the sidewalk project in front the Governor’s House on Waterfront Drive? If we can’t get a simple project done, we are in more trouble than we are willing to admit.
