Legislator Honourable Myron Walwyn has openly criticized Premier Dr. the Honourable Natalio Wheatley’s political tactics, attributing what he describes as a controversial and divisive style of politics to an advisor of Trinidadian descent within the premier’s team.

Walwyn’s remarks were made during an impromptu Opposition press conference on Tuesday, September 3, shortly after Premier Wheatley successfully moved a motion to remove the Opposition’s No Confidence Motion from the House of Assembly’s Order Paper.

Responding to a statement released by the Office of the Premier, Walwyn took issue with Premier Wheatley’s comments, where the Premier accused the Opposition of self-serving behaviour by calling for a No Confidence Motion against a government he claimed had “cleaned up the mess” left by the Opposition.

Walwyn argued that such rhetoric was both divisive and disingenuous and expressed concern that the premier’s approach, influenced by his advisor, could harm the social fabric of the territory.

He accused the premier of overlooking the significant role the Opposition has played in advancing the Commission of Inquiry (COI) reform legislation, ensuring it met the necessary standards for passage through the House of Assembly.

The Sixth District Representative also accused Premier Wheatley of overlooking the substantial support he received not only from the Opposition but also from CARICOM and OECS member states.

This support, according to Walwyn, was instrumental in preventing the immediate imposition of the Order in Council by the United Kingdom following the COI recommendations.