Premier Dr. the Honourable Natalio Wheatley is advocating for the removal of the Governor from presiding over the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands, in an effort to increase autonomy over the territory’s policy-making process.

Premier Wheatley raised this issue during a recent session of the House of Assembly, calling for the Opposition to put aside party politics and work together with the government to address this and other constitutional matters.

The Cabinet, which is responsible for the territory’s policy-making functions, currently consists of the Governor as Chairman, the Premier, the four Ministers of Government, the Attorney General, and the Cabinet Secretary. Although the Premier and the four ministers are the only voting members, Premier Wheatley argued that the Governor still wields substantial influence over Cabinet proceedings.

He highlighted the need to reevaluate the Governor’s role, suggesting that this change would be a step towards more autonomous governance for the Virgin Islands.

The Governor’s current responsibilities as outlined under Section 60 of the Constitution include external affairs, defence, internal affairs, the terms and conditions of the Public Service, and the administration of the courts. However, Premier Wheatley pointed out that these special responsibilities should not extend to having control over the territory’s main decision-making body.

The Cabinet operates on a collective basis, with decisions made under a regime of strict confidentiality. It has the constitutional authority to establish its own rules of procedure for conducting its business, except in areas that fall under the Governor’s special responsibilities.

Premier Wheatley emphasized that while the Governor’s position is not a voting one, the symbolic power of presiding over the Cabinet is significant.

He said he hopes that by working together, both the government and the Opposition could address this issue for the betterment of the territory.

The push to redefine the Governor’s role is seen as part of a broader effort to grant the Virgin Islands more autonomy and ensure that its government operates in a manner that truly reflects the will and interests of the people.

This move aligns with ongoing discussions in the territory about constitutional reform and self-determination, as the Virgin Islands continues to navigate its path toward a more locally-driven governance structure.